Intel is looking for Chinese partners to produce systems-on-chip x86 architecture

The market for mobile devices with ARM chips dominate thearchitecture, the share of other processor architectures, such as Intel x86 or MIPS is too small. In order to successfullycompete with ARM, Intel should have some confidence thatdevelopers will begin to create applications for mobile devices based on x86. This is why Intel so aggressively marketing itsAtom processors at very low prices. But now Intel has soughtother ways to seize the market for mobile devices. 

Today, information appeared that Intel will sign an agreementand then contract with the company Spreadtrum, which should develop chips with x86 architecture. Intel is so interested in it,is ready to invest huge amounts of money to move productionof the future partner of ARM chips to chips with x86architecture. Such a contract already concluded with IntelRockchip, but Spreadtrum has developed its own system-on-chip with support for 3G and 4G standards and could be the perfect partner for Intel. Spreadtrum will also benefit becausemanufacturers will present their mobile electronics SoC, fastx86 processor cores. 
Inexpensive mobile chips with x86 architecture are strategically advantageous for CPU giant, but will hardly lead to big profits. But the development of the x86 architecture, the mobile market is so important to Intel that he is willing to make significant concessions to its partners Rockchip andSpreadtrum, and provide them to use their production capacity.