On top of its popularity, the retail chain Radio Shack was one of the most popular destinations for electronics and gadgets in the United States. And then collapsed. Now do it again. About two years ago, the big US mobile operator Sprint tried to revive Radio Shack re rebranding its more than 1,500 stores.
This allowed the company to continue to operate, but the operator to take advantage of smoothed physical network where users can buy new phones. Under the deal, Sprint received one third of retail space, Radio Shack and keep the remaining two-thirds. Now, however, it becomes clear that the idea did not work, and Radio Shack re-filed for bankruptcy. This time Sprint does not intend to engage again and the operator will pay $ 12 million to take 115 stores in the chain. Everything else it will go to the payment of creditors and the brand Radio Shack apparently will forever remain in history.