
Combined center for best practices in cyber defense, NATO developed the world's first guide to using principles of existing international law for cyber warfare. The document under the name "Tallinn guide of cyber warfare" has already attracted the attention of Russian official bodies.

"Tallinn guide of cyber warfare" bears no accident that name.In 2008 in the capital of Estonia came center CCD COE, whose main goal is help the NATO decision at technical, legal and political issues related to electronic warfare.
As for the document itself, it consists of 95 rules relating to the settlement of conflicts in cyberspace. According to the authors of the project, to meet the onslaught of the State may, attracting aggressor to liability or "propoportsionalni countermeasures." Available such attacks be considered "armed attack" in relation to what is lawful defense of the State affected, including by using traditional weapons. At the same time armed attacks can not be recognized cyber espionage, kampyutarni theft and attacks on sites that do not cause detriment to a state-wide. The state-aggressor should be liable even if it attacks using firms from other countries. The authors of the document believe that cyber attacks on impact force must be treated as chemical, biological and radiological weapons.
As the magazine "Kommersant-power" in "Tallinn Guide" algorithms are presented for action at state and military alliances in the event of a large-scale cyber attacks. The authors of the document make clear that in conducting cyberwar will need to form new laws, it is sufficient to use the existing international legal norms which radically contradicts not only the position of Russia and many other countries. On this issue, Russia proposed to deal with important issues in this field, but which are of secondary importance: protection against hackers, copyright infringement, etc.
The new document NATO of cyber warfare has already attracted the attention of a number of Russian institutions - from the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Defence, to special services because, as experts say, "Tallinn Guide" opens possibilities of cyber warfare by NATO.
Meanwhile analysts believe that hardly NATO officials will immediately begin to act on the basis of "Tallinn leadership." In any case, the search for a compromise in this area evidence the intention of the presidents of Russia and the United States Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama during the June meeting to sign several intergovernmental agreements on measures of trust in cyberspace.