Three years after his death, Steve Jobs is still present in courtrooms in the United States. And this is not necessarily good news for Apple, notes The New York Times.For the third time after the death of its founder company faces court. In this sense, an important role in the proceedings will play the e-mail to Jobs.Potential damage to Apple from these three cases were about $ 350 million, and the company itself won 8.5 billion.
Dollars in the last quarter. The last case was initiated on charges of competing companies who claim that Apple illegally used music in their Ipod-and.NY Times notes that lawyers often advise managers to be careful what you write in your letter, because it can be used against them and commented that perhaps Jobs is not listened to this advice. In his letters used in the last two cases are detected as threats against his opponents and cheerful promises of funding to its potential business partners. "This makes it a witness against his company, even now, when he is no longer among the living," says the magazine.