The global market for tablets peaked this year, which will occur after a fall, according to analysts from ABI Research, taking into account the amount of such active devices.
By the end of 2015 the number of tablets that people use worldwide will reach a maximum of 373 million units, and in 2016 will start to decline due to the continuing decline in the supply of larger models. Furthermore, it expects a decline in the number of users for the first time bought your tablet, so basically demand will be those people who will update your gadgets. The majority of active "tablets" (48%) falls on North America. In terms of operating systems, leadership Android holds 50 percent benchmark, and the share of iOS 42%, says the director of research at ABI Research Jeff Orr. When you purchase a new tablet in exchange for old people into account factors such as the uniqueness of applications and content, ease of use and reliability stated in the research report. The number of active tablets in the world will decline as consumers increasingly prefer such devices as PHABLET example. These devices combine the communication capabilities of the mobile phone and a large display. The level of penetration of PHABLET market of smartphones is increasing and they are becoming increasingly attractive alternative to tablets. Some owners even tablets renounce these devices in favor of hybrid ultra-portable computers. These products are often preferred by business users, and now - with the release of Windows 10 - the audience holders apparatus "2-in-1" should be increased. All changes in demand that occur in the tablet industry, represent new opportunities for business development of industry and competition, summarizes Jeff Orr.