How do I find the IMEI number of your phone, even if we lost it

The IMEI or International Mobile Station Equipment Identity is a unique number that identifies each mobile phone. The IMEI number is like a fingerprint of the smartphone, which is extremely important in emergency situations. Here are some ways presented by, to find the IMEI number, even if you lost the mobile device itself. IMEI number, also known as MEID (Mobile equipment identifier) ​​is a unique identifier for the mobile phone. And because no two mobile same IMEI or MEID number, it is particularly suitable for finding a lost smartphone. This unique number is inextricably linked with the slot for a SIM-card and if you have a smartphone with two slots for SIM-cards, then your mobile phone has two IMEI number. There are many ways to find a unique IMEI number. Let's look at some of them.
  1.  Introduction of USSD command to display your IMEI code - in fact, one of the easiest ways to view the IMEI code of your phone is to look at the battery compartment, because it is usually printed there. And you can use USSD code - dial * # 06 # and IMEI code will immediately be displayed.
  2. Seek to Settings its IMEI number - in the smartphone OS Android, IMEI number can be seen through Settings> About Phone> Status> IMEI Information. In iPhone IMEI can be seen through Settings> General> About> IMEI
  3. 3. How to find the IMEI number, if you lost your smartphone. In this case, IMEI number of your phone can be seen on the box with which you purchased your mobile device because it must be printed there. IMEI code is printed on the payments for the services of the mobile operator.
If you have lost the box and bills, then you can try another method: when logging into the Google Dashboard, use your Google, which must be connected with a lost Android phone.Just click on the logo of Android and will show all devices attached to the account, along with their IMEI number.