PlayStation 4 - a gathering of terrorists

The Italian Government will monitor the communication that takes place via chat service on a PlayStation 4, reports "The Independent" quoted by BGNES. Attorney Andrea Orlando told local press that the messaging system of the gaming machine can be used by terrorists in planning attacks. The government plans to invest EUR 150 mln. In imposing new measures for information security by the end of the year."The Internet offers numerous opportunities for communication and anti-terrorist investigations revealed that the PlayStation is also used as a tool, so that any form of communication should be monitored," said Orlando. Two days after the coordinated attacks in the French capital Paris on November 13, the interior minister of Belgium Jean gammon said that the intelligence services have discovered a hidden channel for recruiting jihadists console. 
Currently, Italian law enforcement authorities are preparing hard for the start of the "Jubilee" of the Vatican, which began on 8 December. It is expected that 25 million Catholics to travel to Rome in search of forgiveness of their sins in the so-called. Holy year of mercy, which Pope Francis announced earlier in 2015. The day after the attacks Paris, Italy announced that it would commit an additional 700 soldiers during the festival year-round.