In 2016, the web popped huge number of virus-extortionists (ransomware) and at times their variations with different names and specifics in the code, but absolutely identical in terms of the intentions of the miscreants: PC system to block victims, to demand ransom for unlocking them. Another characteristic is that usually this type of malicious programs only block the victim's computer. But that could soon change in a very unpleasant way, warns Cory Nachraynar, (Corey Nachreiner), CTO at security company WatchGuard Technologies, which provides hardware solutions for network security. The specialist predicts that soon the virus-extortionists will begin to distribute the web from one computer to another, making them much greater threat to all.
Nir Polak, founder and general diirektor analytical company Exabeam, agrees with this forecast. He believes that worms-extortionists may become more profitable for their authors. "They will keep your files encrypted until you pay and what is worse, will leave behind a" gift "to ensure that their evil work will continue to live in the future," bodes Polak.
Read more: Beware of ImageGate - new "social" way to becoming infected with malware
Indeed, there are already examples of ransomware such behavior. The first virus-blackmailer who is able to move from one computer to another is Zcryptor, which, Microsoft opened another in May. And this virus not only leaves traces on the computers of their victims, but copying files and a number of system devices, thanks to which continues to spread and multiple other computers.
Furthermore, experts expect to increase the popularity of the method RaaS (ransomware-as-a-service), used by viruses such as Petya, Mischa and Cerber. According to Norman Guadagno, chief evangelist for cloud service backup data Carbonite, only this method of transmission is brought to hackers over a billion dollars for 2016.