ERP.BG company began a partnership with programmersfreelancers who will be able to create applications for its systems. Just imagine how this partnership developer will tell a special free seminar on Thursday, January 14th.
Freelance work certainly has its advantages, and the myth that so-called. freelancers can not operate effectively on large projects or the creation of serious business software, has long been broken.In that believe in the Bulgarian software company ERP.BG, which seeks to lay the foundations for closer cooperation in particular with such freelance programmers, so as to enable them to create applications for its systems management business. Just imagine how this partnership native company will tell on January 14 from 19 am. When will hold a free seminar on "Freelance in the ERP world," in the Software University. "We conduct this training with the idea to help programmers - freelancers to enter into new and unfamiliar but very promising area. The basic principle is - they are programmed, we sell. We offer a business model in which developers create applications and we help them to reach all markets where ERP.BG present, "says founder and managing partner of ERP.BG Ivan Argentine, who will be a speaker at the seminar. According to official information, the seminar will present the possibilities of ERP EnterpriseOne platform for expansion through the creation of applications by external teams.
Will be considered two main options for freelance projects: one-time projects according to customer requirements and create universal applications that will be offered on multiple clients. Participated in the workshop will have the opportunity to register as independent application developers and participate in projects. The principle of distribution of projects is similar to most freelance sites. But unlike most similar universal sites, ERP systems have a specific market in which demand is greater than supply and projects are better paid, recorded more than ERP.BG.